Friday, November 27, 2009

And So It Begins...

What's it like in your head?

Maybe a little hectic? Scrambled? Chaotic?


That's pretty much what mine is like naturally - 'naturally' meaning when I don't take the time to keep everything quiet and filed away nicely, processing as much input as I can immediately as it comes up. My brain, on any given day, is filled with pure insanity.

How many of you have been out to a restaurant and have ordered a meal that has come to your table, and for whatever reason, it's definitely not working for you?

If you're anything like the majority of people I've talked to, you have.

How many of you send it back?

Some of you may be nodding, some of you may be thinking, 'Nah, I'll just get through it. No harm done'.

...Now, how many of you would have gone back and ordered that same thing again?

If you said you wouldn't, that's what makes you and I different.

At least when it comes to alcohol.

My name is Thunder*, and I am an Alcoholic.
This is my story.

*All names have been changed to provide anonymity in an otherwise true recounting of events.